PAX East 2013 Promo Packs

Cards Against Humanity 2013 PAX Packs

The “PAX East 2013 Promo Packs” were exclusive expansions launched during the Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) East 2013 event. These specialized packs were likely offered as promotional items, available for purchase, or as giveaways to attendees at the convention. The content of these promo packs would have been tailored to resonate with the gaming community and the unique atmosphere of PAX East.

The PAX East 2013 Promo Packs probably contained Cards Against Humanity cards that referenced gaming culture, popular video game titles, inside jokes within the gaming community, or humorous nods to the experiences and ambiance of PAX East. This limited-release expansion aimed to entertain and engage attendees by providing them with a set of themed Cards Against Humanity cards that reflected the interests, humor, and environment of the gaming community present at PAX East 2013.

Exclusive expansions released during events like PAX East allowed Cards Against Humanity to establish a direct connection with its audience, offering specially crafted and themed content that resonated with the convention’s attendees. The PAX East 2013 Promo Packs likely served as collectible souvenirs for participants, providing them with an exclusive and memorable addition to their Cards Against Humanity collection while commemorating their involvement in PAX East 2013. However, these packs were typically exclusive to the event and limited in availability, making them unlikely to be accessible beyond PAX East 2013 or as part of a general retail release.

PAX East 2013 Promo Packs

wdt_IDCard ColorCard TextPack
Card ColorPack

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