About Us

We’re just here to document what everyone is already looking for. Lists of every official Cards Against Humanity pack and expansion! This site is not affiliated with the wonderful folks over at Cards Against Humanity in any way shape or form. In fact, they probably won’t like that this site even exists but they seem like reasonable people so let’s hope they don’t mind too much.

If you like the content on this site, we encourage you to buy packs at CardsAgainstHumanity.com to help support the cause. We do not write any of these cards therefore we do not wish to profit off of your entertainment. We just set up this website to help collector’s research the next hip pack before buying it. We also wanted to document expansions as they are released before they disappear. Especially with the rarer packs being scalped on Ebay.

Yes, we do have ads on this site. We’re sorry but it costs money to host this website, and we’re just trying to ease the blow to our own pockets to keep this site operating for as long as possible.